A blog for technology, SEO tips, website development and open source programming.


Panayiotis-Georgiou-Profile      Hello there and welcome to my website, my name is Panayiotis Georgiou and I’m 27 year old. I was born and raised in Nicosia, capital city of Cyprus. Cyprus is the third largest island in Mediterranean Sea and is really hard to locate it on a map. If you want to learn more details about Cyprus click here. From an early age, I have been deeply interested in computing, though I also harbour a passion for the fields of music and sport. I engage enthusiastically in all these areas both within and externally to my school courses, and hope that I will be able to continue doing so in my spare time. However, my ongoing fascination with computing became the forefront of my education at The University of Surrey where I had the opportunity to study many aspects of computer science.

My passion for computer science began in high school when I started studying this field as part of the intensive informatics curriculum. What struck me from the first was the introduction to programming, after which I began using VISUAL BASIC and PASCAL for several applications outside lessons including programming my own version of analogue clock, tic tac toe, calculator etc. Technology is evolving at such an exponential rate, the thrill of reading about new research and products will not die out anytime soon. It is an industry where you could potentially be doing something you cannot even dream of anytime soon in twenty years.

Now, academic wise I studied BSc Computer Science in University of Surrey where I graduated at 2010.I finished my MSc Management of Information Technology at University of Nottingham at 2011. Having worked on many projects throughout university experiencing has given me the opportunity to develop my communication skills, through my participation in various group projects.

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      In addition I’m an Associate Member of the British Computer Society (BCS) from 2007 until present. Similarly, I have became a member of the Cyprus Computer Society (CCS) in 2012.

    Another aspect of IT which interests me is consultancy. Having worked on many projects throughout university experiencing them from the perspective of a project manager and a team player you learn a great deal and the pressure is adrenaline pumping. Having deadlines to meet with clients transforms your job into a race against time. An integral part and a great benefit is the ability to leave the office and visit other companies and countries, having the opportunity to work with a range of people each month.

      The purpose of this website is to promote my work and skills but the most important thing is a one stop portal for me to express myself to friends, employers and clients. After acquiring skills from years of experience in both universities I decided to create this website. Established in 2008, the website updated with a fresh look and new goals for the near future. I hope you enjoy your browse on my website and please do feel free to share any interesting articles with your friends. For any suggestions don’t hesitate to send me an email here.

Thank you for visiting my website,

Panayiotis Georgiou

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