Android Google I/O 2014 Extended London Panayiotis Georgiou 24/07/2014 0 Last month, I had the opportunity to attend Google IO Extended in London Google Campus. I have to say, the event was really…
homepage Shutdown your Mac using a terminal command Panayiotis Georgiou 27/06/2014 1 The shutdown command comes in handy if you want to shutdown or reboot your Mac at a specific time. Here are some of the…
homepage WordPress Upload size limit [Resolved] Panayiotis Georgiou 06/01/2014 0 A common issue to various users using WordPress is the upload size limit. The post will show you how to increase upload size…
homepage WordPress Link front-page image to their post url Panayiotis Georgiou 16/12/2013 0 This post simply shows how you can link the front-page wordpress images to their post url.
Android How to update to Android 4.3 Panayiotis Georgiou 26/07/2013 0 Google couple of days ago announced Android 4.3, a sweeter version of Jelly Bean that includes great new features for users and…
Android How to enable developer settings on Android 4.2 Panayiotis Georgiou 03/03/2013 0 Google has hidden the developer settings in the latest version of Jelly Bean - here's how to get them back.