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How to install portable local server on your windows PC using XAMPP


XAMPP is a collection of software that includes Apache, MySQL, PHP and Perl. It also includes Tomcat, FileZilla FTP server and Mercury Mail for sending emails. These packages are used for the following tasks:

  • Apache – Web Server, hosts content at http://localhost/
  • MySQL – Database Server, many software packages use this to store data
  • PHP – Programming language, many modern programs use this as a language
  • Perl – Programming language, many programs use this language and has been around longer than PHP
  • Tomcat – Server used to execute Java programs
  • FileZilla – FTP server used to transfer files to/from your local machine (only necessary if you need access remotely)
  • Mercury Mail – Mail system used for sending emails

I will walk you through these easy steps.

  1. Installation and configuration of a local server in Microsoft Windows.
  2. Installation of wordpress on the local server.
  3. Freedom to work anywhere. Making the server portable using either a USB flash drive or Dropbox.

Here is a video how to install Xampp click Read more to get the complete steps..

1. Download and Install XAMPP

2. After the extraction is don it asks whether to add the shortcuts to Startmenu & Desktop. Press “y”, unless you don’t need them.

3. Next command window prompts to relocate the XAMPP paths. Definitely press the “y” key. This step is essential.

4. Now a  command prompt window gives you a choice of portable version of XAMPP(Without drive letters). Default is “n” (No). Choose carefully.

      1. If you choose to install without drive letters(by pressing “Y”), you get the advantage of portability. This allows us to run the servers from a USB flash drive that can be easily carried around.
      2. But if your development is mostly limited to a single pc, then you should probably press “n”. Running the servers as Windows services is available only in this mode.
  1. After your input, the installer starts relocating the files and finishes with the message “XAMPP is ready to use. Press <RETURN> to continue:”. Enter.
  2. Next comes choosing the time zone of the server. Just press “Enter”, unless the time zone is incorrect.

  3. In the next prompt, type “1” to start the XAMPP Control Panel. Now press “x” key to exit the setup.
  4. A new window titled “XAMPP Control Panel Application” will appear. Make sure “Svc”(Service) checkboxes are checked on the left of Apache and MySQL and click “Start” on the right of both Apache and Mysql.
  5. Check the Message log panel at the bottom of the application. It should say “Apache service started. “ , “MySQL service started” and “Done”. Oh, Yeah! we did it!

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