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Archive, videos, tips and tricks published on Panayiotis Georgiou website check out the latest tutorials on Android N
Eclipse Keytool Plugin (video)
Last week I wrote a post regarding the set up of an API key for Google Maps, as I was researching the web for a…
Android – How To Set Up an API Key for Google Maps
It took me some time to figure how to integrate Google Maps inside my first Android application. Hopefully this…
Get Android system info
The post will indicates how to get the Android System info. The source code is very simple, The above picture shows…
Android Studio: An IDE built for Android
Google announces a new IDE which is called Android Studio. First of all it’s free, and it’s available now for…
Android Secret Codes and Hacks
The information provided in here work for nearly all Android phones.
Android users can unlock some hidden…
Android – Debug Certificate Expired
Some Android projects on my notebook needed updates. Last week when i opened one of the Android project, i found…
Android switch button example
A Switch is a two-state toggle switch widget that can select between two options. The user may drag the "thumb"…
Cyprus Football Championship update 2.0.0 available now
The new updated version 2.0.0 Cyprus Football Championship is available now on Google Play Store