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Implementing a high-tempo experiment process at truly
The only certain, controlled way to improve growth rates in a start-up: continuous experimentation. Find out how truly has…
Notes From A Blitzscale
The term blitzscaling was coined by reid hoffman et al in his homonymous standford class (available on youtube). In an article in…
The First Principles of Growth
Rules of growth are not negotiable, they are deeply rooted in physics and psychology. Physics teaches us that the faster thing moves…
The Mission Driven Startup
How building a startup around your cause can build a product that grows itself.
How To Hack Your Way To Sustainable Growth
Mulenga agley will share strategic and tactical advice on accelerating a new company to early traction, drawing on his own…
FinTech Connect Live 2016 – ExCel London
FinTech Connect Live 2016, Europe’s most exciting, full eco-system Fintech event, has been held last week in London 2312 attendees…
Mogulcon London 2016 Photos and Videos
If you are yet to check out my posts (Day 1 & Day 2) from last month's Mogulcon 2016 event in London no problem, take a look at…