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How to become eligible for a custom URL address on Youtube

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YouTube certainly has a lot of features to help each channel promote themselves. Actually, when it comes to YouTube, every little feature and detail counts. One of the details you should always pay attention to is your URL address. Check out How to become eligible for a custom URL address on Youtube

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Making videos is one thing, and getting people to watch them is another thing.

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Your channels URL address should not be some random code, it should be a representation of your channel. You have one chance to claim your right to create a custom URL address, but only if you are eligible.

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In order to become eligible for a custom Youtube URL address your account should need the following:

1) You have to have at least 100 subscribers
2) Your account should be at least 30 days old
3) You need to upload a photo for your channel icon
4) You need to upload channel art

In a way, YouTube is helping you to establish your channel properly with these rules. These details should be the starting point when creating your channel, such as having a custom channel icon and uploading channel art.

It’s all about leaving a good impression, it is the same for your Youtube channel. To sum up, adding a custom Youtube URL address is the best way to ensure that you are on the right track of becoming a successful YouTuber and it should be your first milestone.

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More ways to get paid to Youtube creators while Youtube launches channel memberships, merchandise and premieres.


That’s it for now. 🙂

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