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How To Rank Youtube Video On First Page Of Google 2017

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Today I will  share with you How To Rank Youtube Video On First Page Of Google 2017 If you follow this few steps you get seen your youtube video on first page of Google & Youtube. The method is as follows: 

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How To Rank Youtube Video On First Page Of Google 2017


  1. upload your own video
  2. the title you will choose is very important for the visibility of your video
  3. don’t leave blank description, use good description
  4.  insert the title of your video on the first line of the description
  5. get high keywords from google
Ok I get it, 🙂
steps 1 to 4 is pretty much straight forward so I will be more consider on the last point.
How to Get High keywords for your youtube Tags:
Search on google about any important keyword of your video.
If your Video Title is:
How To Rank Youtube Video On First Page Of Google 2017
Search On Google “Youtube ranking 2017 “
When You Search You see At end Page of The Google You see Like This Keywords:
How To Rank Youtube Video On First Page Of Google 2017
Copy All Keywords and paste into your Description and Tags  like this:
how to rank you video, how to get your youtube video to rank
seo for youtube channel,youtube seo tips,youtube video
rank checker
You See (,) Point In All Words You Put also (,) At end of all keywords:
Now Your Video will rank first page of Google and youtube within 2 Days Require..

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