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How to Speed up your Android Smartphone

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Is your Android phone bit slow? Here are couple of tips How to Speed up your Android Smartphone that will help to improve the performance of your Android device. 

How to Speed up your Android Smartphone

1. Uninstall unused apps

Uninstall all the apps that are unused and install the app only as you need them.  Android phone shipped with many preloaded applications, which you may not be using frequently.

You can take a backup of your application to your device SDCard and delete from the installed application list. You can download “App Backup & Restore”. This will help you not to download apps from Google Play each time you need them.

2. Clear browser cache

Most of the browsers are cache enabled. If you have not cleared your browser cache manually, this will consume the memory and can slow down your smartphone. You can delete your browser cache form “History” -> “Clear Browsing Data”.

For clearing cache on Chrome,

  • Click the menu button on Chrome browser. It is placed on your top right corner and then settings.
  • Scroll down to Privacy Configuration. Should see options to clear History, Cache, Cookies, Form data, passwords, and location access.
  • Click whichever one you want to clear, (this case Cache) and click okay.

3. Limit background data

Most of the android application uses services to fetch latest information from internet. For example, Facebook app in android takes considerable amount of data even when it is in the background. It is not just Facebook only app, most others do the same. This will result in data cost as well as impact hugely on your battery.

To limit or disable background data usage, navigate to Settings –> Wireless & Networks –> Data Usage.

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