Mobile Applications Your number one guide to all beaches in Cyprus ⛱ Panayiotis Georgiou 01/07/2020 0 During the pandemic, I have worked hard to finish a project that was on hold for a long time, but you know what they!-->…
iOS Upgrade iPhone with iOS 11 Beta Panayiotis Georgiou 10/06/2017 0 Last week, Apple introduced their new mobile operating system for apple products at WWDC on 5th of June 2017. The post will show…
Technology Crash Anyone’s iPhone With A Simple Emoji Text Message Panayiotis Georgiou 19/01/2017 0 A newly discovered bug in Apple's iOS mobile operating system is being exploited. Let's anyone crash your iPhone or iPad by just…
iOS Masque Attack — New iOS Vulnerability Allows Hackers to Replace Apps with Malware Panayiotis Georgiou 11/11/2014 0 Android have been a long time target for cyber criminals, but now it seems that they have turned their way towards iOS devices.…