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Change The Default WordPress Media Uploads Folder

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Back in WordPress 3 release the new Media Uploader feature was the most important. The option disappeared after the WordPress 3.5 update.  Luckily, this post will show how to Change The Default WordPress Media Uploads Folder and customize the default media uploads path of your website without a plugin.

There are many different reasons why users might want to change the default upload directory in WordPress.

Here’s how you can do it.

Customize WP-Config.php

First, access the root directory of your WordPress installation using the File Explorer in your web hosting CPanel or using an FTP client. Then find a file named wp-config.php and open the file to edit.

Then add the following line in the wp-config file:
define( ‘UPLOADS’, ‘wp-content/’.’media’ );

This will make all your media uploads go in a folder named “media”. But it will still be inside the “wp-content” folder.

If you want the uploads to go in a direct folder, like yourdomain.com/media, then use the following code instead:

define( ‘UPLOADS’, ”.’media’ );

Also, make sure to add the following code right before the line as well:


This will automatically create a folder in the WordPress directly if it doesn’t exist. Or, you can manually create the folder in the right path using the FTP client.

That’s it for now.

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