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How To Switch Back To Old WordPress Classic Editor?

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If you are not ready for using the new WordPress editor do not worry this post will demonstrate How To Switch Back To Old WordPress Classic Editor? without a plugin.

WordPress 5 was released a week ago. A lot of blogs globally will be affected by the new surprising changes that are included on the new version. WordPress 5 brings a lot of changes, but the biggest change is the new Gutenberg editor that replaces the good old Classic Editor that we have been using for years.

If you are not ready for using the new editor and you want to switch back to the old editor without a plugin, this post will give you the steps needed.

Steps to switch back to the old editor:

  1. Go to your theme functions.php
  2. Edit code
  3. Add the following code at the end of the file
    • add_filter(‘use_block_editor_for_post’, ‘__return_false’);
  4. save the updated file

This will switch back to the old classic WordPress editor and disable Gutenberg based blocks editor enabled by default in the latest WordPress 5.0 

If you revert to the old classic editor and didn’t like the new Gutenberg blocks based experience, I would love to hear your opinions in the comments below.

That’s it for now. 

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